The Planning Board reviews proposals for land use activities as they relate to the Village's Comprehensive Plan and zoning laws through applications for site plan, special use permit and subdivision review.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall located at 111 Elm Street. When a regularly scheduled meeting is also a holiday, the Planning Board will meet on Tuesday the next day.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall located at 111 Elm Street. When a regularly scheduled meeting is also a holiday, the Planning Board will meet on Tuesday the next day.
Planning Board Members
Michael Clancy, Chair
Denis Gilmartin Sarah Purdy Gene Spanneut Larry Strickland Rick Simpson, Sr., Alternate Vacant, Alternate Daniel Henries Jr., Village Board Liaison Katie Tomlinson, Secretary | 315-536-6397
Applications to the Planning Board
Board Member Training Opportunities
Planning boards and zoning board of appeals members are required by state statute to obtain four hours of training each year. New York State Division of Local Government Services offers training of land use planning and regulation and local governance and procedure through on site workshops and online interactive courses. Visit NYS website for training and assistance.
Planning boards and zoning board of appeals members are required by state statute to obtain four hours of training each year. New York State Division of Local Government Services offers training of land use planning and regulation and local governance and procedure through on site workshops and online interactive courses. Visit NYS website for training and assistance.