Frequently Asked Questions
Streets Department
Does the Village have a location where yard waste can be dropped off?
Yes, there is an area at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 30 Elmwood Avenue, reserved for yard waste delivery. Brush branches need to be 3" in diameter or smaller. Does the Village pick up brush?
Yes, the Village picks up brush twice per year - once in the fall and once in the spring. Notice for pick up time is mailed out in utility bills and published on our website and Facebook page. The Streets Department asks that branches are 3" in diameter or smaller and that debris is piled away from street lights, utility poles, guy wires, storm water catch basins or ditches. |
Does the Village pick up leaves in the fall?
Yes, leaves are picked up each fall, typically beginning in late October or early November. Notice for pick up time is sent out with utility bills and published on our website and Facebook page. Leaves ONLY can be placed in piles, paper bags or totes away from street lights, utility poles, guy wires, storm water catch basins, fire hydrants, sign posts, water valves, trees, ditches or other obstructions. Mulched leaves or grass clippings do not require removal and will not be picked up.
Yes, leaves are picked up each fall, typically beginning in late October or early November. Notice for pick up time is sent out with utility bills and published on our website and Facebook page. Leaves ONLY can be placed in piles, paper bags or totes away from street lights, utility poles, guy wires, storm water catch basins, fire hydrants, sign posts, water valves, trees, ditches or other obstructions. Mulched leaves or grass clippings do not require removal and will not be picked up.
Can the area between the sidewalk and street be landscaped?
No. The planting of trees, shrubbery and any ornamental landscaping - such as berms, rocks, fences and flowers is not permitted in the Village right-of-way (ROW). It could have an impact on underground utilities and cause sight distance issues for drivers and pedestrians. Does the Village allow signs along the street?
Signs are NOT permitted within the public right-of-way, this is the area between the sidewalk and street. Signs cannot be placed where they will interfere with traffic and pedestrian visibility. To learn if your proposal for a sign will be in compliance with local law, it is recommended that you contact the Office of Building and Zoning before installing any sign within the Village. |
Is it okay to place large household items along the street as discarded for pick up?
Yes. However, it is expected that items of this nature be removed from the Village right-of-way within five days.
Yes. However, it is expected that items of this nature be removed from the Village right-of-way within five days.
Am I responsible for sidewalk maintenance?
Yes. Sidewalk maintenance involves keeping the sidewalks pedestrian friendly - daily removal of snow and ice in the winter and removal of encroaching vegetation in the summer. The Village offers a sidewalk improvement program that provides monetary assistance for when it comes time to replace them. Information for the Sidewalk Improvement Program is offered through the Department of Public Works at the beginning of each year.
Yes. Sidewalk maintenance involves keeping the sidewalks pedestrian friendly - daily removal of snow and ice in the winter and removal of encroaching vegetation in the summer. The Village offers a sidewalk improvement program that provides monetary assistance for when it comes time to replace them. Information for the Sidewalk Improvement Program is offered through the Department of Public Works at the beginning of each year.
When will my road be plowed?
The Village Streets Department has established a route classification system determining main and secondary roads for snow and ice control operations - plowing. Our first responsibility is to open main roads as they are key to providing access for emergency vehicles as well as maintaining a steady flow of traffic, secondary roads follow.
The Village Streets Department has established a route classification system determining main and secondary roads for snow and ice control operations - plowing. Our first responsibility is to open main roads as they are key to providing access for emergency vehicles as well as maintaining a steady flow of traffic, secondary roads follow.
When are the streets cleaned?
During the spring, summer and fall months, the Village Streets Department cleans the streets.
During the spring, summer and fall months, the Village Streets Department cleans the streets.
How can I help to maintain the health of Keuka Lake and her tributaries?
It's important to keep rain water and snow melt clean and catch basins free of leaves and debris. Catch basins transport untreated stormwater to water ways. Do not dump anything down stormwater drains or catch basins.
It's important to keep rain water and snow melt clean and catch basins free of leaves and debris. Catch basins transport untreated stormwater to water ways. Do not dump anything down stormwater drains or catch basins.
Parks & Recreation
Is it possible to reserve a pavilion at one of Penn Yan's parks?
Yes, the pavilions at Red Jacket, Indian Pines and Boat Launch Parks may be reserved. Visit the Parks page to learn how.
Yes, the pavilions at Red Jacket, Indian Pines and Boat Launch Parks may be reserved. Visit the Parks page to learn how.
What kind of outdoor activities are available in Penn Yan's parks?
Boat launch & docks, playgrounds, pavilions, tennis & pickleball courts, skateboard park, swimming, lake views, picnicking, fishing, horseshoes, walking and a recreation program for youth during the summer. Visit the Parks page to learn more.
Boat launch & docks, playgrounds, pavilions, tennis & pickleball courts, skateboard park, swimming, lake views, picnicking, fishing, horseshoes, walking and a recreation program for youth during the summer. Visit the Parks page to learn more.
What is the cost of using the boat launch?
The Boat Launch Park is available to everyone free of charge. A fee is charged for parking a boat trailer. Boaters can purchase an annual parking permit or pay per day. Visit the Boat Launch page to learn more.
The Boat Launch Park is available to everyone free of charge. A fee is charged for parking a boat trailer. Boaters can purchase an annual parking permit or pay per day. Visit the Boat Launch page to learn more.
Why does white foam form in Keuka Lake and the Outlet?
Foam in the water is a natural process caused by decomposing plant and animal matter. As decay occurs, air is released into the water causing the surface tension to change and air to mix more easily with the water to create bubbles. Foam is more common on windy days when waves agitate the lake surface.
Foam in the water is a natural process caused by decomposing plant and animal matter. As decay occurs, air is released into the water causing the surface tension to change and air to mix more easily with the water to create bubbles. Foam is more common on windy days when waves agitate the lake surface.
Is it important to clean up pet waste?
Yes. The EPA considers pet waste a hazardous pollutant. It can harbor disease causing pathogens and release nutrients that can contaminate the ground we walk on and the water that we drink and recreate in. Pathogens can survive for long periods of time when left on the ground, even when the waste is gone. During the next rain or snowmelt all of those pathogens and nutrients can get washed into our water supply. When Pet waste is washed into lakes and streams, it can kill fish and encourage algae growth that make local waters unswimmable and humans and dogs very sick. Be kind, please don't leave poop behind! |
Do I need to be concerned about blue-green algae in Keuka Lake?
Yes. Blue-green algae has been identified in Keuka Lake in the past. When there is a confirmed outbreak, notices are posted at the parks and the beaches are closed to swimming. Visit NYS Department of Health frequently asked questions on harmful blue-green algae to learn how to identify and avoid blue-green algae encounters.
Yes. Blue-green algae has been identified in Keuka Lake in the past. When there is a confirmed outbreak, notices are posted at the parks and the beaches are closed to swimming. Visit NYS Department of Health frequently asked questions on harmful blue-green algae to learn how to identify and avoid blue-green algae encounters.
How do I learn about events happening in Penn Yan and the surrounding area?
The Yates County Chamber of Commerce maintains a comprehensive list of local events on their website. Additionally, they offer a directory of businesses providing goods and services in the area.
The Yates County Chamber of Commerce maintains a comprehensive list of local events on their website. Additionally, they offer a directory of businesses providing goods and services in the area.
Sewer & Water
What can I do as a homeowner to help the Waste Water Treatment Plant?
Wipes Clog Pipes, Think at the Sink and Inflow & Infiltration are fact sheets that provide valuable information about the harmful effects of flushing wipes and grease down the drain and the infiltration of storm water.
Wipes Clog Pipes, Think at the Sink and Inflow & Infiltration are fact sheets that provide valuable information about the harmful effects of flushing wipes and grease down the drain and the infiltration of storm water.
Who maintains my sewer lateral?
The sewer lateral is the line that connects the house to the main in the street. Maintenance of the sewer lateral is the responsibility of the property owner. Read Wipes Clogs Pipes and Think at the Sink to learn about how to keep your lateral and the Village sewer system healthy. The Village maintains all sewer mains.
The sewer lateral is the line that connects the house to the main in the street. Maintenance of the sewer lateral is the responsibility of the property owner. Read Wipes Clogs Pipes and Think at the Sink to learn about how to keep your lateral and the Village sewer system healthy. The Village maintains all sewer mains.
Who maintains my water service?
The property owner maintains water lines until the curb stop at the right of way (ROW). The Village maintains water lines from the ROW and all water mains.
The property owner maintains water lines until the curb stop at the right of way (ROW). The Village maintains water lines from the ROW and all water mains.
Why is it necessary to flush fire hydrants?
Hydrant flushing is a quick release of water from fire hydrants. It is a controlled procedure that is vital to the general maintenance of the water distribution system. It ensures that adequate water flow is available and improves water quality. The Village will typically flush hydrants twice a year - spring (May) and fall (October). During this time, some customers may notice reduced water pressure and flow. Servicing the entire village will take approximately three days once the procedure begins.
Hydrant flushing is a quick release of water from fire hydrants. It is a controlled procedure that is vital to the general maintenance of the water distribution system. It ensures that adequate water flow is available and improves water quality. The Village will typically flush hydrants twice a year - spring (May) and fall (October). During this time, some customers may notice reduced water pressure and flow. Servicing the entire village will take approximately three days once the procedure begins.
Can I purchase water in bulk?
Yes, water is available at our Water Treatment Plant costing $.50 for 55 gallons. The water salesman machine is open 24/7 when using a prepaid card available through the Village Clerk. Quarters may be used during business hours.
Yes, water is available at our Water Treatment Plant costing $.50 for 55 gallons. The water salesman machine is open 24/7 when using a prepaid card available through the Village Clerk. Quarters may be used during business hours.
Who monitors the level of Keuka Lake?
Lake level readings are obtained from a recording device installed at the Water Treatment Plant, the regularly updated readings are available by visiting the Keuka Lake Association website.
Lake level readings are obtained from a recording device installed at the Water Treatment Plant, the regularly updated readings are available by visiting the Keuka Lake Association website.
Why do the rocks along the Outlet turn white?
As the water recedes, algae dries on the rocks leaving a white textured layer. Naturally occurring calcium is picked up by algae and deposited on the rocks, even after the algae is off the rocks.
As the water recedes, algae dries on the rocks leaving a white textured layer. Naturally occurring calcium is picked up by algae and deposited on the rocks, even after the algae is off the rocks.
How do I report a power outage?
During Village hours, a power outage can be reported by calling our Municipal Department at 315-536-3374. Outside our normal business hours, a power outage can be reported by calling 911. To avoid a "call out" service charge, it is recommended that the power outage be confirmed as wide-spread and not isolated to the property.
During Village hours, a power outage can be reported by calling our Municipal Department at 315-536-3374. Outside our normal business hours, a power outage can be reported by calling 911. To avoid a "call out" service charge, it is recommended that the power outage be confirmed as wide-spread and not isolated to the property.
Village Clerk
How do I obtain a birth or death record?
A record of a birth or death that occurred within the Village may be applied for with the Village Clerk by using an Application to Local Registrar for Copy of Birth Record or Copy of Death Record.
A record of a birth or death that occurred within the Village may be applied for with the Village Clerk by using an Application to Local Registrar for Copy of Birth Record or Copy of Death Record.
Who manages property assessments?
Property assessments are managed through the town your property is in. The Village of Penn Yan is comprised of three towns: Town of Milo, Town of Benton and Town of Jerusalem
Property assessments are managed through the town your property is in. The Village of Penn Yan is comprised of three towns: Town of Milo, Town of Benton and Town of Jerusalem